2025年第五届信息通信与软件工程国际会议 | 2025年7月4-6日 | 中国 · 重庆
2025 the 5th International Conference on Information Communication and Software Engineering (ICICSE 2025) will be held in Chongqing, China during July 4-6, 2025. It's sponsored by Chongqing University, China; hosted by School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering of Chongqing University.
ICICSE 2024 Proceedings is indexed by Ei Compendex and SCOPUS.
我们诚挚邀请您参加 2025年第五届信息通信与软件工程国际会议, 将于2025年7月4-6日在中国重庆举办, 由重庆大学主办, 重庆大学微电子与通信工程学院承办。会议主要围绕”信息通信与软件工程”研究领域展开讨论。 此次希望通过本次会议,让大家分享研究成果,应用,及在实践中获取的心得,非常欢迎海内外学者投稿和参会。
You are warmly invited to contribute and be part of the many offered events. Join us and contribute to make ICICSE’25 an unforgettable event! Mark your calendars and plan to join us for a memorable ICICSE’25 in Chongqing, China. We invite high quality submissions of technical research papers describing original and unpublished results of information communication and software engineering research.
ICICSE include the keynote speeches, parallel technical tracks, poster sessions, etc. It serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving information communication and software engineering related techniques. premier software-engineering conference, where researchers, practitioners, and educators come together to present, discuss, and debate the most recent research results, innovations, trends, and concerns in the field of information communication and software engineering.
ICICSE 2025 Tracks
We welcome submissions addressing topics across the information communication and software engineering including but not limited to:Track 1. 计算机信息科学 |
Track 2. 软件开发与设计 |
Track 3. 通信与信息工程 |
Big Data |
Search-based software engineering Program repair Software testing Program analysis Programming languages Mining software repositories Software ecosystems API design and evolution Release engineering and DevOps Software visualization Human aspects of software engineering Agile methods and software processes Software economics Crowd-based software engineering Ethics in software engineering Requirements Engineering Modeling and Model-Driven Engineering Software Architecture and Design Software Security ... |
Communication Networks Embedded / cyber-physical systems Mobile applications Communication Engineering Communication Networks Wireless Communications Mobile Communications Infrastructure for Next Generation Networks Information & Communication Coding Theory Optical Communications Internet Technologies Communication Software Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks Mobility management Multimedia & real-time communication Network management Network reliability and security ... |
Publication & Indexing -
- 出版与检索 -
Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be included in ICICSE 2025 Conference Proceedings. 会议收录的文章将以 ICICSE 2025 论文集
ICICSE 2024 会议被列入 IEEE 会议列表: https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/61805 (IEEE Conference Calendar)
- Submission Deadline: February 20, 2025
- Acceptance Notification: March 20, 2025
- Registration Deadline: April 10, 2025
- Conference Dates: July 4-6, 2025
- Important Date -
- Manuscripts must be written in English
- Submission should be 4 full pages at least and within 12 pages; abstract (200-300 words, for presentation only);
- Innovation and scientific value is a must;
- The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template;
- The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;
- Plagiarism is prohibited;
- Duplicate submission is prohibited.
- Formatting Paper Template Word Template / LaTex Template
- Submission Requirements -
Authors can submit their manuscripts through electronic submission system or email. In order to avoid repeated submission, please just choose one submisson method. Please click following link: Electronic Submission System
- Peer Review Instructions -
All submissions to the ICICSE are first reviewed by the organizing committees. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if it is felt that they are not of high enough quality or not relevant to the conference. Manuscripts that are not instantly rejected are sent out for peer review, to 2-3 independent reviewers. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmitted for peer review again. Based on the feedback from these reviewers and the organizing committees’ judgment a decision is given on the manuscript.
Excellent Oral Presentation Award 最佳口头报告奖
For every technical session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English.
Excellent Poster Award 最佳海报报告奖
All the accepted and registered poster papers. It will be selected by every poster session chairs.
仅针对海报展示的作者, 最佳海报报告将将由海报报告主席选出1位。
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